

Notion Excavation House

Latitudo Borealis


Notion Archeological Ecological Park

Jack Layton Ferry Terminal: Toronto, ON

Common_Health+ Clinic Sandy Bay, Jamaica

The Stratus Project

The GLM Gateway, Toronto ON

Extraction | 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale

North House

The Detroit-Windsor Crossing

Conduit Urbanism: Great Lakes Megaregion

Ionian Archeology, Notion, Turkey

The Exchange, Chicago IL

Protean Prototypes, Chicago, IL

infra eco logi urbanism | Montreal, PQ

Resonant Chamber

The Luminous Veil, Toronto ON

infra eco logi urbanism | Liberty Gallery - Ann Arbor, MI

Insignia Caeli: Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and Cognitive Machines

Swamp House, Sauble Beach, ON

infra eco logi urbanism - Ryerson | Toronto, ON

Shadowtime: 37°59'34.58"N, 27°11'50.26"E

Research Through Making V

Public Logistics: Helsinki South Harbor, Finland

infra eco logi urbanism | Yale - New Haven, CT

Buoyant Aquacology: Venetian Futures

Research Through Making III

Nervous Ether

New Brutalist Image | Tate Britain: London, UK

Research Through Making II

Latitude Housing System: Cherepovets, Russia

French River Visitor Center: Alban ON

Office Project | Project Office

Harmony: Stratford ON

Infographic Center: Mexico City


Seasons House

Pampas House: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lodge at Dry Pine Bay, French River, ON

Jalisco State Library: Guadalajara, Mexico

Penser Tout Haut

Nexus | Park | City : Changchun, China


House of Arts and Culture: Beirut, Lebanon

Convenience Gallery | Toronto, ON

Matters of Concern | Cambridge Galleries, ON